Prosciuttificio Artigianale Rino Bagatto di Bagatto Dante & C.snc

Terms of sale

Home / Terms of sale

Information about the company and its customer service

Prosciuttificio Artigianale di Bagatto Dante & C. snc

Via Cesare Battisti, 26
33038 San Daniele del Friuli (UD)
VAT Number: IT01521150308

If you have any questions or complaints, please contact the Bagatto customer service team:

From Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
From 9.30 am to 11.30 am and from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Contact details:

Telephone: +39 0432 957252

Fax: +39 0432 943413


Online shop:



These General Conditions of sale (hereinafter "General Conditions") contain the terms and conditions regulating the supply of services available on the website  (hereinafter, the "Website”).
The General Conditions are stipulated between the end user of the services (hereinafter the "User") and Prosciuttificio Artigianale di Bagatto Dante & C. snc, with registered office in Via Cesare Battisti n.26, San Daniele del Friuli (UD) VAT no. 01521150308, registered with the Udine Register of Companies (hereinafter "Prosciuttificio Bagatto").
These General Conditions govern and regulate the service supplied by Prosciuttificio Bagatto to the User through the Website, as specified in art. 2.

The service, accessible through the Website, is for the sale (hereinafter “Service") of gastronomic and other products, and of recipes and advice (hereinafter Box).
Parcel contents are decided by the purchaser. Registration and consulting the Website are free of charge (except for costs to connect to Internet, charged to the User based on the conditions established by its operator).
Registration takes place when the User accessing the Service via web has finished the Service registration process, providing the personal data required and has received an e-mail confirming his/her registration.
The User declares that he/she is of age, can act and sign legally binding contracts. The User also declares that it will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell and exploit the Website and Service or any parts of them in any way for commercial purposes; nor reproduce or use the trademarks and logos of Prosciuttificio Bagatto in any way without the written consent of Prosciuttificio Bagatto.
The User acknowledges and accepts that if it should violate the law, the rights of third parties or these General Conditions, Prosciuttificio Bagatto may suspend or interrupt its supply of the Service, close the User’s account, block access to the Website or take any other action needed to protect the rights and the current or potential interests of Prosciuttificio Bagatto.
The User declares that it is aware that delivery of Contract parcels is limited solely to the Italian Republic, the Vatican State, the Republic of San Marino and the EU area.

The User must make its payments by the credit cards of circuits indicated on the Website in the payments section, or by bank transfer made in advance.
Delivery is subordinate to the User having paid the relative price by the means chosen from amongst those indicated in the Website and delivery costs are charged to the User.
Delivery will be made to the address indicated by the User in the registration stage and will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays.
After delivery has been made to the carrier, Prosciuttificio Bagatto will no longer be responsible for risks connected to it. Prosciuttificio Bagatto may not be held responsible for any loss, damage, erroneous or non-delivery caused by events or force majeure or fortuitous circumstances, indicatively: natural disasters, bad weather conditions (such as heavy snowfalls), any strikes (by its own or other employees), vehicle accidents, explosions, or other similar or different causes.

The User may consult these General Conditions on the Website and may print and/or save a copy.
Through the Website (personal account area created through the registration procedure with access through username and password chosen by the User during the registration process) the User may update, modify and save its personal data (for example, delivery address, e-mail address and data related to subscription to the newsletter service).

The Contract and connected service are strictly personal so the User has no right to transfer them, in full or partially, or to grant them to third parties without the prior, explicit written consent of Prosciuttificio Bagatto. Prosciuttificio Bagatto is specifically authorized to transfer the Contract to companies belonging the third parties.

Prosciuttificio Bagatto reserves the right to update or amend these General Conditions at any time, if that updating or those amendments are needed to adapt the Service to laws or regulations supervening, to implement security measures needed to optimise the Service supply or to improve Service characteristics. Prosciuttificio Bagatto will notify users of those amendments on the Website directly. Amendments to the General Conditions will be valid and effective automatically from the 10th day after the date of publication on the Website and will be considered as accepted by the User. The User acknowledges and accepts that it will be its responsibility to check the Website page containing the General Conditions periodically for any updates.

On registering with the Website, the User agrees to receive communications or notices concerning the Service through e-mail messages or the Service newsletter, and to be informed of any promotions. Prosciuttificio Bagatto will send those communications to the User at the e-mail address communicated by the latter at the time of registration.

Pursuant to art. 64 of Legislative Decree no. 205 of 6 September 2005 (Consumer Code), if the User is a consumer, he/she has the right to withdraw from the Service with no penalties and with no need to provide a motive by and no later than 10 working days from the date on which it is activated. That right may also be exercised pursuant to art. 65, paragraph 2 of the Consumer Code, within 10 days or receiving the first parcel delivery. An essential condition for exercising withdrawal is that the products be intact. Pursuant to law, the only expense for the User will be the cost to return the product to Prosciuttificio Bagatto.
The User may exercise its rights to withdraw by sending a registered letter with return receipt to Prosciuttificio Bagatto, to the address indicated at the top of these General Conditions. The communication may also be sent by e-mail, as long as it is confirmed by registered letter with return receipt within the following forty-eight hours. Prosciuttificio Bagatto undertakes to re-credit the sum paid by the User at the time of subscription, by and no later than 30 days from the date the withdrawal communication is received.

Contracts stipulated on-line by the User on the website  are governed by the Italian law. For anything not specifically indicated, laws applicable to relations and types set forth in the contract stipulated on-line by the Customer with Prosciuttificio Bagatto shall apply.